Course Unit Code | 226-0411/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 8 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| VAN422 | Ing. arch. Ing. Daniel Vaněk, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The content of the subject is a proposal of the municipal infrastructure object (municipal civil buildings: education, administration, sport, trade, etc .; technical: fire station, heating plants, multipurpose halls,… and traffic: parking, stations, bridges). As part of the general cycle, it follows up on the previous studio. It is intended for practical application, verification and confirmation of acquired theoretical knowledge in the implementation of assigned works. The studio is focused on solving the problems of basic communal infrastructure, both civil and technical or transport. The assignment of the thesis and preparation of the solution of the selected building in a particular space will be carried out as part of the studio work in the 6th semester. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
Studio Design 2. - the subject of the subject is the design of the municipal infrastructure object (municipal civic buildings: education, administration, sport, trade, etc .; technical: fire station, heating plants, multipurpose halls,… and traffic: parking, stations, bridges). As part of the general cycle, it follows up on the previous studio. It is intended for practical application, verification and confirmation of acquired theoretical knowledge in the implementation of assigned works. The studio is focused on solving the problems of basic communal infrastructure, both civil and technical or transport. The assignment of the thesis and preparation of the solution of the selected building in a particular space will be carried out as part of the studio work in the 6th semester.
In terms of design technology, the aim of the studio is to design architectural design in the degree of architectural study. The course provides basic architectural design skills to all students regardless of future specialization. |
Course Contents |
1.-2. Preparation of collective and individual analysis and analysis, analysis, elaboration
3.-4. Synthesis
5. Criticism 1 - preparation, concept
6.-9. Continuing work on building design
10. Criticism 2 - proposal |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Norberg-Schulz, Ch.: Genius Loci, Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture Rizzoli, New York. 1980.
Norberg-Schulz, Ch.: Principles of Modern Architecture Andreas Papadakis Publishers, London, 2000. |
Kolektiv autorů: Projektování staveb bytových a občanských, SNTL Praha 1979
Neufert, E.: Navrhování staveb, Consultinvest 1995 |
Recommended Reading: |
Pierre von Meiss: Od formy k místu + o tektonice, úvod do studia architektury, Archa Zlín, 2018.
Svatoš Jindřich: FAQ studentů architektury, ČVUT 2016.
Von Meiss, Pierre: Elements of Architecture from form to place, E + FN Spon, 2000
Hertzberger Herman: Leson For Students Of Architecture
Ching, Francis D.K.: Architecture: Form, Space, and Order
Leupen, Bernard: Design and analysis
Krier Rob: Elements of Architecture, Architectural Design
And according to another assignment and disposition studio manager and consultants. |
Pierre von Meiss: Od formy k místu + o tektonice, úvod do studia architektury, Archa Zlín, 2018.
Svatoš Jindřich: FAQ studentů architektury, ČVUT 2016.
Menčlová, Rákosník, Semeráková: Nauka o budovách 10, 20
Maxa, Skopec: Stavby bez bariér, Sdružení tělesně postižených Praha 1994
Štempák: Školské budovy, Alfa Bratislava
Fořtl: Stavby zdravotnické, ČVUT Praha 1997
A další dle zadání a dispozic vedoucího ateliéru a konzultantů. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Tutorials |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |