Course Unit Code | 410-4210/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 8 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Optional |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| HRA50 | prof. Ing. Zdeněk Hradílek, DrSc. |
| KRE74 | doc. Ing. Petr Krejčí, Ph.D. |
| PRO11 | doc. Ing. Lukáš Prokop, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The subject includes above all applications of schemes of electrical stations, transformers proximity in towns and regions, configuration of electrical networks and system solution of electrical protections and protection of electrical appliances. The second part of the subject includes industrial distribution of electrical power, fundamentals of power systems design with decision analysis methods. A student is continuously acquainted with latest knowledge of research in field of electrical power engineering including lectures of experts from practice. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
After the graduation of this subject a student will patronize utilization of theoretic knowledge in study ending at applications to problems of medial and low voltage electrical networks in towns, regions and industrial plants. In exercises and laboratories a student will demonstrate individual work ability by calculations and measurements, and will prove to process an assigned year's project. |
Course Contents |
Schemes of electrical stations
Block and network transformers in power system
Distribution transformers proximity by concentrated demand and diffuse provincial demand
Distribution network systems; schemes radial, ringed and simple grid network
Classical grid network; premises for design and scheme
System solution of electrical protections, failures
Kinds of protective components
Protection of electric line, protection of electro motors LV, MV and others appliances
Industrial distribution of electrical power; basic conception of distribution arrangement, main substation, curiosities of distribution in iron-mills and mines
Transformers, switchboards and electric lines in industrial distribution; encapsulated substations
Modernization of industrial distribution
Compensation of idle power, compensation devices
Fundamentals of power systems design, function assemblies, technological assemblies
Alternatives of design solution, decision analysis methods by solution of alternatives
Electrical power quality; higher harmonics, voltage fluctuation; reliability and valuation of non-delivery electrical power
Fundamentals of design of distribution equipments in industry; design of conductors
Calculation of reliability of distribution equipments
Excursion to industrial substation
Power factor correction
Setting of final project
Design of final project
Design of final project
Design of final project
Measurement: protection AT 31
Measurement: protection VT 12
Measurement: power factor correction
Measurement: digital protection
Individual project 1 - cabel installation in industrial plant
Individual project 2 - protection in industrial plant
Individual project 3 - compensation in industrial plant
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
1.James J. Burke. Power Distribution Engineering. Book published by US. New York 1994, ISBN 0-8247-9237-8.
2.Hradílek, Z.: Reliability and continuity of towns electric power suplly. 6th Conference International Cracow Polsko-2000. Proceedings Pp. 504-512, ISBN 83-914296-1-X.
3.Hradílek, Z., Krejčí P.: Solving the reliability of electrical energy supply by means of the methods of multi-criteria analysis. Mezinárodní konference Slovensko Žilina 2001, pp 183-187, ISBN 80-7100-836-2.
4.Hradílek, Z.: Demand side management of consuption of distribution transformers with diferent character of load. 4th International Conference Bratislava 200, s. 93-98, ISBN 80-227-1354-6.
5.Hradílek, Z, Gurecký J.: Application of methods of multicriterion analysis in the optimization of introducing the remotecontrolled disconnecting switches in outdoor high voltage networks. International conference PPEE Wisla - Polsko 1999, pp 356-360, ISBN 83-907217-4-0.
6.Hradílek,Z., Rusek, S.: Reliability of electric power supply to users in connection to the ripple control systém. International Conference Krakow - Polsko 1997, ISBN 83-907546-2-2.
7.Hradílek, Z.: Problems voltage fluctuation caused by short circuit currents supply in electrical arc furnaces. 7th International Symposium Warsawa Polsko 1996.
Hradílek, Z.: Elektroenergetika .Skripta VŠB
Pauza, J.: Silnoproudá rozvodná zařízení v průmyslu. SNTL 1974
Novotný V., Vávra Z.: Spínací přístroje a rozváděče na vn. SNTL 1986
Krychtálek Z., Pauza J.: Elektrické stanice SNTL 1989
Santarius P.: Elektrické stanice .Skripta VŠB 1991
Hradílek, Z.: Elektroenergetika II. Skripta VŠB 1993
Dohnálek, P.: Ochrany pro průmysl a energetiku, SNTL-Alfa 1978
Rusek, S.:Spolehlivost elektrických sítí, VŠB TU Ostrava -Monografie 2001
Holoubek, J., Korenc, V.: Kompenzace jalového výkonu, Kniha IN-EL Praha, 2000
Recommended Reading: |
1.James J. Burke. Power Distribution Engineering. Book published by US. New York 1994, ISBN 0-8247-9237-8.
2.Hradílek, Z.: Reliability and continuity of towns electric power suplly. 6th Conference International Cracow Polsko-2000. Proceedings Pp. 504-512, ISBN 83-914296-1-X.
3.Hradílek, Z., Krejčí P.: Solving the reliability of electrical energy supply by means of the methods of multi-criteria analysis. Mezinárodní konference Slovensko Žilina 2001, pp 183-187, ISBN 80-7100-836-2.
4.Hradílek, Z.: Demand side management of consuption of distribution transformers with diferent character of load. 4th International Conference Bratislava 200, s. 93-98, ISBN 80-227-1354-6.
5.Hradílek, Z, Gurecký J.: Application of methods of multicriterion analysis in the optimization of introducing the remotecontrolled disconnecting switches in outdoor high voltage networks. International conference PPEE Wisla - Polsko 1999, pp 356-360, ISBN 83-907217-4-0.
6.Hradílek, Z., Rusek, S.: Reliability of electric power supply to users in connection to the ripple control systém. International Conference Krakow - Polsko 1997, ISBN 83-907546-2-2.
7.Hradílek, Z.: Problems voltage fluctuation caused by short circuit currents supply in electrical arc furnaces. 7th International Symposium Warsawa Polsko 1996.
Hradílek, Z.: Elektroenergetika. Skripta VŠB TUO 1992, ISBN 80-7078-132-7. Elektronická forma CD ROM.
Hradílek, Z.: Elektroenergetika II. Skripta VŠB TUO 1993, ISBN 80-7078-195-5.
Elektronická forma CD ROM.
Štroblová, M., Hejtmánková ,P.: Elektrické sítě městské a průmyslové. Skripta ZČU Plzeň 1994, ISBN 80-7082-154.
Krychtálek, Z., Pauza,J.: Elektrické stanice, SNTL 1989, ISBN 80-03-00075-0.
Rusek, S.: Spolehlivost elektrických sítí. Monografie .
Holoubek, J., Korenc, V.: Kompenzace jakového výkonu. Kniha IN - EL Praha 2000. ISBN 80-86230-07-4.
Kříž, M.: Demenzování a jištění elektrických zařízení v praxi. Kniha INEL Praha 1997, ISBN 80-902333-6-8.
Studijní pomůcky, sylaby
Hradílek, Z.: Kompenzace zemních proudů tlumivkou a činným odporem.
Gurecký ,J.: Projektování elektrických distribučních sítí. Elektronická forma podpory CD Rom.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs, Other activities, Field trip |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |