Course Unit Code | 450-4071/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 3 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Optional |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | |
| Prerequisities | Course Unit Code | Course Unit Title |
| 450-4070 | Special Medical Technology and Diagnostics |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| AUG011 | prof. Ing. Martin Augustynek, Ph.D. |
Summary |
The first part of the subject is focused on basic principles and construction of peristaltic pump, derived pumping technique,
linear dispensers, other pumping techniques for medical applications (concentrate diaphragm pumps,
ultrafiltration pumps, gear flow and degassing pumps, etc.).
The second part of the subject is focused on biophysical principles and their technical application. This is primarily the principle
metabolism, extracorporeal circulation and realization of hemodialysis solution technology incl. water treatment based
reverse osmosis. Furthermore, there are special high-level disinfection procedures and cleaning procedures. The issue is clarified
biocompatibility, special purification methods of blood (haemofiltration) and technical principles of hemodialysis apparatus
techniques. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The aim of the course is to focus on infusion technology and hemodialysis technology. The benefit of the subject is acquiring knowledge and understanding of the principles, techniques and use of these devices. The course supplements the basic knowledge about medical electrical devices in the study field of biomedical engineering. |
Course Contents |
1. Historical aspects of infusion therapy and the origins of instrument infusion therapy. Terminology and nomenclature, incl. definition
other medical devices that are associated with the clinical application of these technical devices. Basic
principles and construction of the peristaltic pump, its properties and its use in clinical practice.
2. Clarification of occlusal pressure, calculation of pump performance, basic advantages of this principle. Influence of operating
parameters for therapy efficacy, set properties, change of parameters over time and stability of therapy parameters. Linearization
peristaltic pumps for the implementation of a lamellar or sequential type infusion pump, design and basic
3. Derived pump technology - enteral pumps and their design. Linear Dispensers - Use of Injection
syringes, basic properties. Safety elements of infusion technology and their meaning. Possible negative effects of infusion
techniques (foreign objects, drug compatibility, air embolism, etc.)
4. Use of disposable medical devices necessary for the functioning of the infusion technique, their meaning, influence
on the quality and effectiveness of therapy.
5. Other pumping techniques for medical applications (concentrate diaphragm pumps, ultrafiltration pumps,
toothed flow and degassing pumps, etc.).
6. Infusion technology systems.
1. Historical aspects of hemodialysis treatment. Basic biophysical principles of hemodialysis treatment (diffusion, convection,
ultrafiltration, osmosis, etc.).
2. Permeable membranes, principle and design of the dialyzer, its properties, basic parameters and their
importance. Elimination of metabolic toxins, plasma water ultrafiltration, haemofiltration methods, material and technological
biocompatibility, etc.
3. Extra-blood circulation, its essential elements (dialyzer, needles, sets, etc.), influence on the efficacy and safety of the treatment,
parameters of circulation, preparation for clinical application, recirculation, drug inputs.
4. Treatment of water for dialysis treatment based on reverse osmosis and its importance. The issue of dialysis concentrates,
dialysis solution and quality assessment (monitoring).
5. Microbial safety of dialysis therapy, problems of cleaning and disinfection of dialysis equipment.
6. Adequacy of hemodialysis therapy, on line principles of adequacy monitoring. The safety of hemodialysis treatment.
Ecological aspects of dialysis treatment. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
[1] RONCO, C. a Mitchell H. ROSNER. Hemodialysis: new methods and future technology. Basel: Karger, 2011. Contributions to nephrology, v. 171. ISBN 978-380-5597-715.
[2] VOL. ED. CLAUDIO RONCO .. Hemodialysis technology: 31 tables ; [First International Course on Hemodialysis Technology, Vicenza, June 2002]. Basel [u.a.]: Karger, 2002. ISBN 978-380-5574-235.
[[1] ČIHÁK, Josef a Martin AUGUSTYNEK. Infuzní technika a hemodialyzační technika a technologie. 1. Ostrava: VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2013, 390 s. ISBN 978-80-248-3100-8.
[2] RONCO, C. a Mitchell H. ROSNER. Hemodialysis: new methods and future technology. Basel: Karger, 2011. Contributions to nephrology, v. 171. ISBN 978-380-5597-715. |
Recommended Reading: |
[1] Jacobs, C. – Kjellstrand, C.M. – Koch, M.K. – Winchester, F.J.: Replacement of renal function by dialysis, Kluwer, Academic Publisher, 1996 |
[1] Chronické onemocnění ledvin (CKD) – úvod do klinické praxe, účelová publikace EDTNA/ERCA, 2007 |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Individual consultations, Experimental work in labs, Teaching by an expert (lecture or tutorial) |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |