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ECTS Course Overview

Embedded Systems

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code450-2092/02
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated4 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Optional
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionEnglish
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
PRA132prof. Ing. Michal Prauzek, Ph.D.
STA048Ing. Martin Stankuš, Ph.D.
The subject deals with application of microcontrollers in applications of embedded control systems. The subject describes the architecture of the selected microcontroller and also describes the peripherals that the microcontroller contains. These are in particular the technology of digital and analogue connection with the surroundings, timing concepts, communication and other advanced peripherals. The scope of the exercises is then mastery of technical resources and programming microcontrollers based on ARM Cortex M.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
The aim of the subject is to acquaint students with microcontrollers, its peripherals and implementation of this technology in embedded control systems. The content of the most lectures and exercises is about the microcontroller itself and its peripherals in detail. The students are able to choose suitable technical equipment for the given task and they can program the microcontroller and configure its peripherals, which will allow to implement the specified control algorithms.
Course Contents
1. Embedded control systems: basic specification and current trends in embedded systems, summary of microprocessor and microcontroller theory.
2. Microcontroller: core ARM Cortex M, microcontroller topology a specification.
3. Basic microcontroller configuration: clock signal, watchdog, JTAG, power supply system, reference voltages, package, basic configuration registers.
4. Configuration of input and output interface: configuration registers, electrical characteristic of a port, PORT and GPIO peripherals.
5. Interrupt system in ARM Cortex M, interrupt controller (NVIC), interrupt sources, priority, vector, handler. Internal connection of microcontroller peripherals.
6. Counters and timers: SysTick, periodic interrupt timers, advanced timers, real time timers, low-power timers.
7. Signal digitalization in microcontroller: AD converters and their configuration, synchronization, multiplexing and correct implementation.
8. Other analogue peripherals: DA converters and analog comparator.
9. Basic communication peripherals and their configuration: UART, I2C, SPI. Communication with external memory.
10. Advanced communication interfaces: USB, Ethernet and wireless communication standards.
11. Direct memory access (DMA): Usage methods and peripheral configuration.
12. Low-power methods: low power modes, duty cycling, wake-up scheduling.
13. Modern trends in embedded control systems, review of modern technologies.
14. Final lecture, summary of subject knowledge, preparation for exam.
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
Dean, Alexander G. Embedded systems fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers : a practical approach. Cambridge: ARM Education Media, 2017.
Berger, A. Embedded systems design. Vyd. 1. San Francisco: CMP Books, 2002, 237 s. ISBN 1-57820-073-3.
Dean, Alexander G. Embedded systems fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based microcontrollers : a practical approach. Cambridge: ARM Education Media, 2017.
Berger, A. Embedded systems design. Vyd. 1. San Francisco: CMP Books, 2002, 237 s. ISBN 1-57820-073-3.
Recommended Reading:
Zhu, Yifeng. Embedded Systems with ARM® Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C. E-Man Press, LLC, 2014.
Ganguly, Amar K. Embedded Systems : Design, Programming and Applications. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd, 2014.
Zhu, Yifeng. Embedded Systems with ARM® Cortex-M3 Microcontrollers in Assembly Language and C. E-Man Press, LLC, 2014.
Ganguly, Amar K. Embedded Systems : Design, Programming and Applications. Oxford: Alpha Science International Ltd, 2014.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Individual consultations, Experimental work in labs, Teaching by an expert (lecture or tutorial)
Assesment methods and criteria
Tasks are not Defined