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ECTS Course Overview

Introduction to Communication Technologies

* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code440-2103/04
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated6 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Optional
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionEnglish
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
MER70Ing. Přemysl Mer, Ph.D.
VOZ29prof. Ing. Miroslav Vozňák, Ph.D.
MIC26Ing. Libor Michalek, Ph.D.
SKA109Ing. Jan Skapa, Ph.D.
The student gets information about the technologies and principles of information transmission in metallic, optical, wireless and access networks. He/She will understand their use and understands the techniques of different types of communication networks. The generation of an electrical signal and its adaptation for transmission in various kinds of environments puts the student in the broad field of communication technologies. Of course, at the application level, attention is paid to problematic of the multimedia tranfering and the future of communications that belong to the next generation networks. Students will also acquire basic information from imageand sound processing and also the fundementals of the security in communications is not neglected. This knowledge forms the pillars for future telecommunication education. Conclusion of the course belongs to the vision and concrete examples of the use of communication technologies in practice.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
Understand the basic units, quantities and technologies in telecommunications.

Learning outcomes are set so that the students are able to identify and apply tasks in the field of communication technology.
Course Contents
- Signal Transmission
Analog and discrete signal. Signals and Signal Frequencies. Simplex and duplex communication (radio, television x telephone). Concepts of backbone and access network.

- Communication networks
Signaling and synchronization in communication networks. Backbone and Access Network technologies.

- Metallic networks
Symmetrical and asymmetric lines. Replacement management model. Attenuation, Crosstalk. Effect of capacitance imbalance on line transfer function. Bridging targeting methods.

- Optical networks
Advantages and disadvantages of aerial optical paths, LASER and LED connectors. The principle of light transmission by fiber optic. Total reflection. Attenuation in opt fibers. Spectral attenuation characteristic of opt fibers. Dispersions in optical fibers. Spectrum of semiconductor light sources for opt. WDM networks.

- Access networks
xDSL technology (overview, principles, ...) DOCSIS technology.

- Wireless networks
Distribution of Radio Spectrum. Basics of radio signal propagation, radiocommunications chain, overview of radio channel systems (Wifi-BT-Wimax-Zigbee).

- Computer Networks I
TCP/IP model and architecture, relationship to RM OSI model. Datagram, packet, frame, encapsulation. MAC address, IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. TCP and UDP transport protocols. Ethernet and its types.

- Computer Networks II
Networks active elements - HUB, switch router, fundamentals of routing (routing protocols - RIP, OSPF, BGP). Advanced services in networking - DHCP, NAT, DNS.

- Mobile technologies
1st and 2nd generation mobile networks (overview) - 3rd and 4th generation mobile networks (UMTS, LTE). Data mobile networks (HSCSD, GPRS, EDGE, HSPA, LTE).

- Safety of communications
The role of cryptography and the cryptographic system. Confidentiality, integrity, authentication, access control. Overview of ciphers and algorithms, hash functions and digital signature. Future of cryptography - quantum key distribution.

- Multimedia Communications I
Multimedia features. Protocols suitable for real-time transmission of information. Codecs for voice and quality transmission parameters.

- Multimedia Communications II
Video, Color models - RGB, CMY, CMYK, YUV. HD, Full HD and UHD resolution. Picture and video processing options, compression, formats and containers. Video distribution methods.

- The concept of the Internet of things
Description of technology and used transmission networks, principles of information transfer in IoT infrastructure, introduction to protocols and usage possibilities, overview of hardware and functional possibilities.

Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
T. Anttalainen, J. Ville: Introduction to Communication Networks, Artech House Communications and Network Engineering Series, 367 p., 2014.
M. Vozňák, P. Číka, L. Michalek, F. Řezáč, J. Skapa, R. Šebesta, M. Dvorský: Úvod do komunikačních technologií, VŠB-TUO, 150 str., 2018.
T. Anttalainen, J. Ville: Introduction to Communication Networks, Artech House Communications and Network Engineering Series, 367 p., 2014.
Recommended Reading:
M. Clark: Networks and Telecommunications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2nd edition, 973 p., 2001.
Horst,J., Rotter,H.: Infomační a telekomunikační technika. Europa-Sobatalez, 1. vyd., 399 str., 2004.
M. Clark: Networks and Telecommunications, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2nd edition, 973 p., 2001.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs, Project work
Assesment methods and criteria
Tasks are not Defined