Course Unit Code | 361-0501/03 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| KOL40 | prof. Ing. Pavel Kolat, DrSc. |
| KAD15 | doc. Ing. Zdeněk Kadlec, Ph.D. |
| SZE75 | doc. Ing. Zbyszek Szeliga, Ph.D. |
| HON106 | prof. Ing. Stanislav Honus, Ph.D. |
Summary |
It deals with the fundamentals of momentum transfer in the flow of viscous liquids, heat conduction, convection and radiation, including mass transfer and conductivity.
The separate part describes the basics of transmission phenomena modeling and numerical modeling of non-stationary heat and mass transfer. It builds on Thermomechanics and Fluid Mechanics. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
It deals with the fundamentals of momentum transfer in the flow of viscous liquids, heat conduction, convection and radiation, including mass transfer and conductivity.
The separate part describes the basics of transmission phenomena modeling and numerical modeling of non-stationary heat and mass transfer. It builds on Thermomechanics and Fluid Mechanics. |
Course Contents |
Basic laws of analogy and transfer phenomena. Momentum, Euler, Navier
And Bernouliho Stokes equations for three-dimensional arrangement of Newtonian fluids.Transfer of energy balance , the Fourier Kirchhoff
equation, the choice of initial and boundary conditions.Mass transfer. I. and II. Fick law of diffusion. The theory of similarity and modeling, sentence similarity, basic methods similarity theory, the analysis of momentum, energy and matter. Unsteady heat conduction, analytical methods for solution of unsteady řešení.Numerical methods . Heat, explicit and implicit method. Natural and forced convection. Heat exchanger calculation and design, numerical solution, transfer in heat exchangers. Heat transfer in boiling and condensation. Transport phenomena in the phase.Mass transfer. Nonstationary mass transfer, analytical and numerical calculation.Radiation, radiation-absorbing environment, numerical solution, pyrometry.Mathematic modeling transmission of radiation phenomena, three-dimensional mathematical model, solving the model calculations Fluent. Transmission phenomena. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
INCROPERA, Frank P. Principles of heat and mass transfer. 7th ed., international student version. Singapore: Wiley, c2013. ISBN 978-0-470-64615-1.
KAVIANY, M. Essentials of heat transfer: principles, materials, and applications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. ISBN 978-1-107-01240-0.
SUNDÉN, Bengt a Mohammad FAGHRI, ed. Transport phenomena in fires. Southampton: WIT Press, c2008. ISBN 978-1-84564-160-3. |
KOLAT, Pavel. Přenos tepla a hmoty. 3. vydání. Vysoká škola báňská – Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2004. ISBN 80-248-0003-9.
BLAHOŽ, Vladimír, KADLEC, Zdeněk. Základy sdílení tepla. 2. vyd. Ostrava: Sdružení požárního a bezpečnostního inženýrství, 2000. ISBN 80-902001-1-7.
SAZIMA, Miroslav, KMONÍČEK, Vladimír, SCHNELLER, Jiří. Teplo. Praha: SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury, 1989. ISBN 80-03-00043-2.
PŘÍHODA, Miroslav, RÉDR, Miroslav. Základy tepelné techniky. Praha: SNTL - Nakladatelství technické literatury, 1991. ISBN 80-03-00366-0.
JIROUŠ, František. Aplikovaný přenos tepla a hmoty. Praha: České vysoké učení technické v Praze, 2010. ISBN 978-80-01-04514-5.
INCROPERA, Frank P. Principles of heat and mass transfer. 7th ed., international student version. Singapore: Wiley, c2013. ISBN 978-0-470-64615-1. |
Recommended Reading: |
KAKAÇ, Sadik, YENER, Yaman, PRAMUANJAROENKIJ, Anchasa. Convective heat transfer. 3rd ed. Boca Raton: CRC Press, c2014. ISBN 978-1-4665-8344-3.
MODEST, M. F. Radiative heat transfer. 3rd ed. New York: Academic Press, 2013. ISBN 978-0-12-386944-9. |
ŠESTÁK, Jiří, RIEGER, František. Přenos hybnosti, tepla a hmoty. 3. vyd. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2005dotisk. ISBN 80-01-02933-6.
HEJZLAR, Radko. Sdílení tepla. Vyd. 4. Praha: Vydavatelství ČVUT, 2004. ISBN 80-01-02974-3.
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Individual consultations, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |