Course Unit Code | 361-0511/03 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 4 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter, Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| KOL40 | prof. Ing. Pavel Kolat, DrSc. |
Summary |
Thermodynamics of the heat cycles, energy balances. Power plants: principles,
economy and management, heat cycles with condensing turbine, regeneration,
superheating. Nuclear power systems.
Gas turbine technology. Combined cycle systems-natural gas, oil.
Fluidisation firing. Combined heat and power option, cogeneration using steam
extraction. Clean Coal technology adoptions: pressurised fluidised bed
boilers, integrated gasification combined cycle, subsystems selection for
advanced low emission, new method for high power/boiler systems, Coal
gasification, liquefaction. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
Thermodynamics of the heat cycles, energy balances. Power plants: principles,
economy and management, heat cycles with condensing turbine, regeneration,
superheating. Nuclear power systems.
Gas turbine technology. Combined cycle systems-natural gas, oil.
Fluidisation firing. Combined heat and power option, cogeneration using steam
extraction. Clean Coal technology adoptions: pressurised fluidised bed
boilers, integrated gasification combined cycle, subsystems selection for
advanced low emission, new method for high power/boiler systems, Coal
gasification, liquefaction. |
Course Contents |
Fundamentals of energy. Resources and energy reserves, balance production and consumption electricity load profile, the basic types of energy
centrál.Zvýšení energy efficiency and steam cycles. Regeneration,
reheating, optimization of parameters oběhů.Metodika calculation of the thermal scheme.
Condensation of regeneration, reheating, heat circulation. Detailed calculation
components of thermal scheme, numerical solution.
Gasification combined headquarters. Thermodynamics of steam-gas cycles, types of combined cycle power plants and heating plants, reconstruction and modernization of existing power plants.
Energy center for environmental use of coal. Integration
coal gasification combined cycle, gasification fuel cells, pressure
Fluid fireplace with combined cycle.Jaderné power plants. Basic
types of nuclear power plants and heating plants, process equipment, design,
perspektivy.Regulation and modernization, automation, traffic management and commissioning of power centrals.
The accumulation energy, with non-traditional sources of energy, magnetohydrodynamic, the combustion engines, using thermonuclear energy.
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
1. P.Kolat : Power centrals. VŠB Ostrava. 1995. ISBN 80-7078-272-2.68 s.
2. Power Plant Engineering (Hardcover)
~ Larry Drbal (Editor), Kayla Westra (Editor), Pat Boston (Editor) " 0412064014
ISBN-13: 978-0412064012 ,Springer; 1 edition (December 31, 1995),768 pages .
3. British Electricity International (1991). Modern Power Station Practice: incorporating modern power system practice (3rd Edition (12 volume set) ed.). Pergamon. ISBN 0-08-040510-X.
4. Thomas C. Elliott, Kao Chen, Robert Swanekamp (coauthors) (1997). Standard Handbook of Powerplant Engineering (2nd edition ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. ISBN 0-07-019435-1.
6. P. Kolat: Power Centrals.Clean Coal Technologies. VŠB-TU Ostrava 2011. Textbook translated by Language Dpt.105 pp.
1. P.Kolat : Energetické centrály. VŠB Ostrava. 1995. ISBN 80-7078-272-
2.68 s.
2. J.Kadrnožka.: Tepelné elektrárny a teplárny. SNTL Praha. 1985. 610 s.
3. J.Krbek: Strojní zařízení tepelných centrál. VUT Brno. 1999. ISBN 80-
214-1344-4. 216 s.
4. J.Krbek: Zásobování teplem a kogenerace. VUT Brno. 1999. ISBN 80-214-
5. J.Krbek: Malé kogenerační jednotky v komunální a průmyslové
energetice. AVČR Praha. 1999. ISBN 80-85895-23-4. 115 s.
6. E.Štroffek, P.Kolat: Čerpací a vzduchotechnické zařízení. ALFA
Bratislava. 1992. ISBN 80-05-00704-3. 320 s.
7. P.Horbaj: Ekologické aspekty spalovania. TU Košice. 1999. ISBN 80-7099-
405-3. 71 s.
Recommended Reading: |
---| - power centrals | - power centrals |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Seminars, Individual consultations, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |