Course Unit Code | 361-0550/03 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | Second Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| SAS027 | Ing. Veronika Sassmanová, Ph.D. |
Summary |
Energy utilisation of biomass and waste is very important part of energy production.
During the lectures will be given information about the production of heat and electricity, description of technology, transport of biomass and waste, form of biomass and waste.
Special interest will be given to the reduction of emissions. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
Complex solution of energy utilization of waste and biomass, knowledge about the specific technology equipment. |
Course Contents |
Energy utilisation of biomass is very important part of energy production. During the lectures will be given information about the production of hear and electricity, description of technology, transport of biomass, form of biomass. Special interest will be given to the reduction of emissions
1. Introduction
2. Basic characteristics of biomass and waste
3. The types of biomass and waste
4. Particle size adjustment biomass and waste
5. Technological transformation
6. Fermentation
7. Composting
8. Burning processes
9. Co-combustion of various fuels
10. Gasification
11. Pyrolysis
12. Summary of documents, discussing current issues of biomass and waste
13. Processing specialist subject with regard to its clarity and conciseness information
it will be possible to prepare one project
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
SJAAK VAN LOO AND JAAP KOPPEJAN (eds.): Handbook of Biomass Combustion and Co-Firing. Twente University Press, 2018. ISBN 9036517737.
KALOGIROU, Efstratios N. Waste-to-energy technologies and global applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-138-03520-1.
KANOGLU, Mehmet, Yunus A. ÇENGEL a John M. CIMBALA. Fundamentals and applications of renewable energy. New York: McGraw-Hill Education, [2020]. ISBN 978-1-260-45530-4.
NOSKIEVIČ, P., JUCHELKOVÁ, D. a kol.: Biomasa a její energetické využití. PHARE, 1996. ISBN 80-7078-367-2.
PASTOREK, Zdeněk, Jaroslav KÁRA a Petr JEVIČ. Biomasa: obnovitelný zdroj energie. Praha: FCC Public, 2004. ISBN 8086534065.
Mendelova univerzita v Brně Agronomická fakulta TECHNOLOGIE ZPRACOVÁNÍ BIOMASY ZA ÚČELEM ENERGETICKÉHO VYUŽITÍ Ing. Petr Trávníček, Ph.D. Doc. Ing. Ivan Vitázek, CSc. Ing. Tomáš Vítěz, Ph.D. Ing. Luboš Kotek, Ph.D. Ing. Petr Junga, Ph.D. Brno, 2015.
ČABALOVÁ, Iveta, Tatiana BUBENÍKOVÁ, Viera KUČEROVÁ, Jozef KRILEK, Michal JABLONSKÝ a Vladimír HÖNIG. Technológie a technika spracovania drevnej a rastlinnej biomasy: vysokoškolská učebnica. Zvolen: Technická univerzita vo Zvolene, 2021. ISBN 978-80-228-3278-6.
Možnosti energetického využití biomasy: ukázka praktických opatření z Akčního plánu pro biomasu v ČR na období 2012-2020. Praha: Ministerstvo zemědělství, 2013. ISBN 978-80-7434-122-9.
Recommended Reading: |
Technology (Ed.), Denmark, 1999,
HUNG, Yung-Tse, Lawrence K. WANG a Nazih K. SHAMMAS. Handbook of environment and waste management. New Jersey: World Scientific, 2014. ISBN 978-981-4327-69-5.
VAN LOO, Sjaak a Jaap KOPPEJAN. Handbook of biomass combustion and co-firing: prepared by Task 32 of the Implementing Agreement on Bioenergy under the suspices of the International Energy Agency. Enschede: Twente University Press, 2003. ISBN 9036517737.
BASU, P.: Biomass Gasification, Pyrolysis and Torrefaction: Practical Design and Theory. Academic Press, 2013, p. 548. ISBN: 0123965438.
CAPAREDA, Sergio C. Introduction to biomass energy conversions. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, [2014]. ISBN 9781466513334.
SERUP, H. et al.: Wood for energy production. Technology-Environment-Economy. Centre for Biomass. ISBN 87-90074-26-2.
Aktuální internetové informace (,,, etc.)
MALAŤÁK, Jan a Petr VACULÍK. Biomasa pro výrobu energie. Praha: Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2008. ISBN 9788021318106.
MURTINGER, Karel a Jiří BERANOVSKÝ. Energie z biomasy. Brno: Computer Press, 2011. Stavíme. ISBN 978-80-251-2916-6.
KALOGIROU, Efstratios N. Waste-to-energy technologies and global applications. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2018. ISBN 978-1-138-03520-1. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Seminars, Individual consultations, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs, Project work, Other activities, Field trip |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |