Course Unit Code | 345-0318/07 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 3 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| OH120 | Ing. Vladislav Ochodek, Ph.D. |
Summary |
Subject belongs to the groups of branch subjects, which are closely linked to the subjects Engineering Materials, Welding Fundamentals, and Welding. The subject considered computer methods and application specialized software packages for welding. Includes: material database, welded joint properties, testing materials weldability, determining thermal and stress fields, project and design welded joint, design on optimize welding technology and procedure, monitoring welding technology. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
-elaborate material and technological input data,
-reviewed material weldability,
-implement prediction selected material properties,
-design and optimize welding procedure,
-modeling and optimizing fusion and solid-state welding.
Course Contents |
1. Introductory seminar. Computational methods and computer technology in
welding - possibilities, and applications.
2. Selection of basic and filer materials. Database.
3. Prediction of the properties of welded joints, HAZ, and weldability evaluation. (Project No. 1).
4. Determination and optimization of welding temperature regime.
5. Calculation and design of welded joints (Project No. 2).
6. The economy of welding - election of appropriate technologies (Project No. 3).
7. Introduction to the analytical and numerical solutions of temperature fields during welding.
8. Numerical solution of temperature and stress fields during welding.
Introduction to the computing environment.
9. Define a thermal source for welding. Input data databases - material,
technological. Boundary conditions.
10. Solution of model problems for fusion and pressure welding (project No. 4).
11. Software for welding- application programs I
12. Software-welding application programs II.
13. Technological welding procedures, design, generation, and storage (Project No. 5).
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
YURIOKA, N. Determination of necessary minimum preheating temperature [online].
April 2007, May 2007 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW:
GRONG, O. Metallurgical Modelling of Welding. H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia. 1st edition. London: The Institute of Materials, 1992. 581 s. ISBN 0 901716 37 5
eFunda Engineering Fundamentals. [online]. 1998-2008, 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW: .
MatWeb Material Property Data [online]. 1996-2008, 12.9.2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW: .
MechEng Calculator [online]. 2006 , 1.5.2006 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW: .
TWI [online]. 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW: .
EWI [online]. 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Available from WWW: .
YURIOKA, N. Determination of necessary minimum preheating temperature [online].
April, 2007 , May,2007 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW:
GRONG, O. Metallurgical Modelling of Welding. H.K.D.H. Bhadeshia. 1st edition. London: The Institute of Materials, 1992. 581 s. ISBN 0 901716 37 5
OCHODEK, V. Výpočetní metody ve svařování I., Interní učební texty, VŠB TU
Ostrava, 2008.
HRIVŇÁK, I. Teória zvariteľnosti kovov a zliatin, Veda, 1989.344 s.ISBN 80-224- 0016-5
eFunda Engineering Fundamentals. [online]. 1998-2008, 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW: .
MatWeb Material Property Data [online]. 1996-2008 , 12.9.2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW: .
MechEng Calculator [online]. 2006 , 1.5.2006 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW: .
TWI [online]. 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW: .
EWI [online]. 2008 [cit. 2008-09-12]. Dostupný z WWW: .
Recommended Reading: |
CERJAK,H, BHADESIA,H,K,D,H.Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena
1-6.The Institute of Materials 1992-2006
ASM. Handbook vol. 6, Welding, Brazing, Soldering. ASM 2001 |
CERJAK,H, BHADESIA,H,K,D,H.Mathematical Modelling of Weld Phenomena
1-6.The Institute of Materials 1992-2006
ASM. Handbook vol. 6, Welding, Brazing, Soldering. ASM 2001 |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Individual consultations, Tutorials, Experimental work in labs, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |