Course Unit Code | 330-0309/02 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 2 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| POD10 | doc. Ing. Jiří Podešva, Ph.D. |
| MAW007 | doc. Ing. Pavel Maršálek, Ph.D. |
| SAR0054 | Ing. Fatih Sari |
| SUD0020 | Ing. Anilraj Sudhakar |
Summary |
In this module, students become acquainted with basic concepts of finite
element method and with its application. Seminars take place in computer
room in the ANSYS software environment. The students learn to build the computational model, add the boundary conditions and load. On the model students perform the analysis and evaluate results. Tasks of linear statics are discussed. The students also take brief introduction about the deformation method and finite element method. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
The students will have knowledge about the general techniques how to build the computer model in the Ansys code framework. The students will also know the fundaments of the finite element method.
The students will understand the computer modeling in Ansys and also the basic principles of the finite element method.
The students will be able to apply Ansys for solving of simple structural problems.
The students will be able to analyze the behavior of the mechanical structure. |
Course Contents |
1. The basic structuring of the interactive modeling environment of Ansys. Direct generation of the finite element model - elements and nodes. The link and beam element.
2. The boundary conditions and load definition.
3. The geometrical modeling basics, key-points, lines, areas and volumes. Meshing.
4. The deformation method. The equations of equilibrium system. The stiffness matrix.
5. 3D model, shell element.
6. The discretization of the continuum, variational principle, approximating functions.
7. 3D brick element. |
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Cook R. D., Malkus D.S., Plesha M.E., Witt R.J. CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS OF
FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS. 4th edition. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY, 2002, p. 719,
ISBN 0-471-35605-0
Examples for ANSYS solutions:
1. HORYL, P. Inženýrské základy MKP. Pomocné texty. Ostrava 2000. 30 s.
2. APETAUER, M., STEJSKAL, V. a BANĚČEK, J. Výpočtové metody ve stavbě
motorových vozidel.Skripta ČVUT, fakulta strojní. Praha 1989.145 s.
3. KOLÁŘ, V., KRATOCHVÍL, J., LEITNER, F., ŽENÍŠEK, A. Výpočet plošných a
prostorových konstrukcí metodou konečných prvků. Praha, SNTL 1979. 544 s.
4. BITTNAR, Z. a ŘEŘICHA, P. Metoda konečných prvků v dynamice konstrukcí.
Praha, SNTL 1981. 257 s.
5. LENERT, J. Úvod do metody konečných prvků. Skripta VŠB-TUO, fakulta strojní,
Ostrava 1999. 109 s. ISBN 80-7078-686-8
6. Cook R. D., Malkus D.S., Plesha M.E., Witt R.J. CONCEPTS AND APPLICATIONS OF
FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS. 4th edition. J. Wiley & Sons, Inc. NY, 2002, p. 719,
ISBN 0-471-35605-0
7. Examples for ANSYS solutions:
Recommended Reading: |
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Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Tutorials, Project work |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |