L - lecture, E – excercise
1. L.: Programming software DesignModeler. Creating 2D and 3D geometry (formats of the importing files).
E.: Search for information of CFD on the internet addresses (www.ansys.com, http://www.ansys.com/Products/Simulation+Technology/Fluid+Dynamics). Presentation of the results of CFD analysis the problems of burning fuels on the basis of presented papers published on the internet. Basic menu and pull-down menu in the program DesignModeler.
2. L.: Introducing the program for the creation of computational grid (ANSYS Meshing), methods of meshing, 2D and 3D elements. Criteria for evaluation the quality of computational grid, types of boundary layers, an adaptation of the grid.
E.: Creating 3D geometry, import different formats (*. Igs, *. Stp) into the program DesignModeler, modification of geometry. Creation of 2D and 3D geometry in a program DesignModeler (import and export to the other software), modification and edited of geometry.
3. L.: Numerical solution of 1st order differential equations, integral method, finite volume method, simple and simplec methods, interpolation scheme, convergence (residuals, underrelax).
E.: Application of various elements of the 3D geometry, evaluate the quality of computational grid, the number of elements that create different types of boundary layers, export of the computational grid to the program ANSYS Fluent14. The quality of grid evaluated in program ANSYS Meshing.
4. L.: Physical properties, basic concepts for definition of transfer, mass transfer (Fick's law), heat transfer by conduction (Fourier's law), mass and momentum transfer (flow), heat transfer by convection and conduction.
E.: Pull-down menu in program ANSYS Fluent14, characteristics of the basic philosophy of the numerical simulations (definition the mathematical model, boundary conditions, physical properties of the matter, initialization, solutions and evaluation).
5. L.: Boundary conditions in Fluent, change the type of boundary conditions, input of the profiles for the boundary conditions, the methods of calculation. Types of boundary conditions for compressible and incompressible flow. Laminar flow model.
E.: Definition of the physical properties of gaseous species (constant, functional dependence on temperature, kinetic theory of gases) and mixtures, characterization concepts: concentration, mass fraction, volume fraction, ...
6. L.: Turbulence, compressible flow, the N-S equations, continuity equation, Reynolds equations and rules, time averaging, Boussinesq hypothesis, two-equations turbulence model (k-eps, RNG, RSM, k-, Spalart-Almaras).
E.: Example of Fick's law for binary diffusion (molecular mass transfer) in an infinitely large plate of the defined thickness, the definition of the model, boundary conditions, numerical simulation and interpretation of results.
7. L.: Energy equation for incompressible and compressible flow, heat transfer throughout the wall (thin wall), the heat transfer throughout real wall thickness (SOLID), types of boundary conditions for walls, modeling near the wall, wall functions.
E.: Example: testing different types of boundary conditions and the resolution of heat transfer in a rod with different material.
8. L.: Symmetry and periodic boundary conditions, physical properties of fluids depend on the temperature, defined in the program Fluent.
E.: Laminar air flow in axisymmetric 2D geometry (tube). Testing of the various turbulence models and testing of wall functions for calculating the area of an axially symmetric (2D), an adaptation of the grid and evaluation in the program ANSYS Fluent and EXCEL.
9. L.: Transport equations for mass fractions, the definition of diffusion flux and the source term due to chemical reaction, the mixture definition and calculation of physical properties of the mixture.
E.: Laminar fluid flows with heat transfer in example of a gas burner. Testing the influence of the wall burner boundary condition, the change of thermal boundary conditions for walls, evaluation and comparison.
10. L.: Gas flow with chemical reactions and heat transfer and radiation, energy equation, models of combustion of gaseous phase, to define the kinetics of the combustion process using Arhenius equation (pre-exponential factor, activation energy).
E.: Applications calculation flow of the gas mixture (methane, air, ...) in the three-dimensional geometry (tube, goblet burner), the definition of the composition of the mixture and the mass fractions at the inlet and outlet boundary condition, evaluation in the program Fluent.
11. L.: Flow with solid particles and droplets, the trajectory, the definition of discrete phase, interaction with continuous phase, phase change, mathematical modeling problems of combustion of solid particles (eg pulverized coal).
E.: Methane combustion with air in the laminar flow regime in the application of goblet burner (combustion of the methane with air – one-equation, two-equation model). CFD analysis of the burning piece of wood in stoves - presentation of process and definition of problems and evaluate the results of numerical simulations. Individual term paper.
12. L.: Multiphase flow, characteristics of mathematical models VOF, Mixture, Euler, the definition of individual phase, the definition of cavitation using multiphase mathematical model, the physical properties of the phases.
E.: Creating of the computational grid of project, setting the mathematical model, numerical simulation. Application flow of solid particles in a three-dimensional area, the influence of the gravitational acceleration, different granulometry, quantity of discrete phases. Presentation of results solution with fire inside the house (definition source term).
13. L.: Mathematical approaches combustion of solid fuels, the issue of defining the mathematical model of the piece of wood burning stove in the fireplace, mathematical modeling of low-temperature oxidation of coal.
E.: Continuing to work on individual semester work. Solution of problems pulverized coal drop pipe, evaluating mathematical approaches and compare the results with the experiment.
14. P.: Presentation of seminar work in Power-Point.
C.: Presentation of semester work, definition of problem, methods of calculation, presentation of results of the processing of semester work in a presentation in Power-Point, animation. Solution of problem low-temperature oxidation of coal in a coal dump in open terrain - the influence of boundary conditions on the course of low-temperature oxidation. |
KOZUBKOVÁ, M., BOJKO, M., BLEJCHAŘ, T. Modelování přenosu tepla, hmoty a hybnosti. Ostrava: VŠB-TU, 2019, 224 s.
Dostupnost < http://www.338.vsb.cz/studium/skripta/>.
BOJKO, M. 3D proudění – ANSYS FLUENT učební text. Ostrava: VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2012. 314 s. ISBN 978-80-248-2607-3.
Dostupnost < http://www.338.vsb.cz/studium/skripta/>.
KOZUBKOVÁ, M., BOJKO, M., KRUTIL, J., BLEJCHAŘ, T. Modelování spalování paliv – učební text. Ostrava. VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2013, 288 s. ISBN 978-80-248-3144-2.
BOJKO, M. Návody do cvičení „Modelování proudění“ – Fluent. Ostrava. VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2008, 141 s. ISBN 978-80-248-1909-9.
Dostupnost < http://www.338.vsb.cz/studium/skripta/>.