Course Unit Code | 330-0305/04 |
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated | 5 ECTS credits |
Type of Course Unit * | Choice-compulsory |
Level of Course Unit * | First Cycle |
Year of Study * | |
Semester when the Course Unit is delivered | Winter, Summer Semester |
Mode of Delivery | Face-to-face |
Language of Instruction | English |
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites | Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester |
Name of Lecturer(s) | Personal ID | Name |
| SLA20 | Dr. Ing. Ludmila Adámková |
| ROJ71 | Ing. Jaroslav Rojíček, Ph.D. |
| FRY72 | prof. Ing. Karel Frydrýšek, Ph.D., FEng. |
| FUS76 | doc. Ing. Martin Fusek, Ph.D. |
| HAL22 | prof. Ing. Radim Halama, Ph.D. |
| FOJ08 | doc. Ing. František Fojtík, Ph.D. |
| FER03 | Ing. Petr Ferfecki, Ph.D. |
Summary |
This subject teaches the basics terms of mechanics of deformed bodies. Basic types of tensions (i.e. tension, pressure, bending, torsion, buckling, limit states) for statically determinate and indeterminate cases. Discussed issue is in the branch of linear elasticity and gives skills applied for the design and assessment of simple technical structures. |
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit |
To teach the students the basic procedures and methods applied for the solution of technical problems of strength and elasticity (i.e. mechanics of materials). To ensure the understanding of teaching problems. To apply the gained skills in practice. |
Course Contents |
1. Quadratic moments of cross-sections - basic definitions (centre of gravity, moments of inertia, moments of deviation, Steiner's theorem).
2. Quadratic moments of cross-sections - central moments of inertia, main central moments of inertia and their determination.
3. Introduction to mechanics of compliant bodies. Working diagrams of metals and other materials. Definition of basic points of working diagrams (yield strength, ultimate strength, ...), modulus of elasticity. Concept of stress and strain in space (stress tensors, strain tensors, Hooke's law).
4. Tension or compression loading - statically certain problems, lone force and dead load for bars of constant cross section, stress and elongation calculations, strength check.
5. Tension or compression loading - truss structures, stress calculations, strength checking and dimensional design.
6. Tensile or Compressive Loading - Variable Section Bars, Statically Certain. Stress and elongation calculations, strength check.
7. Tension or compression loading - statically indeterminate tension and compression loading problems.
8. Twisting of members of circular and inter-circular cross-section - statically certain problems. Stress and twist calculations, strength checking and dimensional design.
9. Twisting of circular and inter-circular members - statically indeterminate problems.
10. Plane bending of beams - waveforms of internal static effects - normal forces, displacement forces, bending moments. Basic properties of symmetrical problems.
11. Plane bending of beams and its definition. Calculation of stresses, strength check and design of dimensions.
12. Plane bending of beams - calculation of deflections and rotations by analytical method (solution by differential equations).
13. Plane bending of beams - calculation of deflections and rotations using the Castigliano method.
14. Plane bending of beams - solution of statically indeterminate problems, e.g. using the Castigliano method.
15. Plane bending of frames - analysis of internal static effects - normal forces, displacement forces and bending moments. Stress calculation, strength check. Properties of symmetrical problems.
16. Plane bending of frames - calculation of deflections and rotations using Castigliano's method.
17. Plane bending of frames - solution of statically indeterminate problems.
18. Multiaxial tension, basic definition. Determination of principal stresses (analytical method, Mohr's circle). Hooke's law in space.
19. Strength theories and their applications (Rankine, Saint-Vénant, Guest, von Mises, Beltrami).
20. Composite stresses (tension/compression + bending).
21. Composite stresses (tension/compression + bending + torsion).
Recommended or Required Reading |
Required Reading: |
Frydrýšek, K. (2016). Basic Strength and Elasticity of Materials, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 1-264, ISBN 978-80-248-3870-0
FRYDRÝŠEK, K., ADÁMKOVÁ, L.: Mechanics of Materials 1 - Extended Edition (Introduction, Simple Stress and Strain, Basic of Bending), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Ostrava, 2008, Czech Republic, pp. 203.
FRYDRÝŠEK, K., LENERT, J.: Mechanics of Materials, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 2005, ISBN 80-248-08006-4, pp. 63. |
HÖSCHL, C.: Pružnost a pevnost ve strojnictví, SNTL, Praha, 1971, pp. 376.
KRČÁL, O.: Příklady z pružnosti a pevnosti I, část 1, VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1994, ISBN 80-7078-243-9.
KRČÁL, O., FRYDRÝŠEK, K., ADÁMKOVÁ, L.: Příklady z pružnosti a pevnosti 1 (část 2), VŠB-TU Ostrava, Ostrava, ISBN 978-80-248-1826-9, Ostrava, 2008, pp. 124.
LENERT, J.: Pružnost a pevnost I, 1. vyd., VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1998, ISBN 80-7078-392-3.
Frydrýšek, K. (2016). Basic Strength and Elasticity of Materials, VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 1-264, ISBN 978-80-248-3870-0 |
Recommended Reading: |
FRYDRÝŠEK, K., ADÁMKOVÁ, L.: Mechanics of Materials 1 (Introduction, Simple Stress and Strain, Basic of Bending), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, ISBN 978-80-248-1550-3, Ostrava, 2007, Czech Republic, pp. 179. |
HÁJEK,E.-REIF,P.-VALENTA,F.: Pružnost a pevnost I, SNTL Praha, 1988.
KUBA, F.: Pružnost a pevnost (základní část), VŠB-TU Ostrava, 5. vydání, 1990, pp. 385.
LENERT, J.: Pružnost a pevnost II, 1. vyd., VŠB-TU Ostrava, 1998, ISBN 80-7078-572-1.
MIROLJUBOV, I., N. a kol.: Řešení úloh z pružnosti a pevnosti, SNTL Praha, 1976.
PEŠINA, E., REIF, P., VALENTA, F.: Sbírka příkladů z pružnosti a pevnosti, SNTL Praha, 1964.
SMÍŘÁK, S.: Pružnost a plasticita I pro distanční studium, Fakulta stavební VÚT v Brně, Akademické nakladatelství CERM, s.r.o., 1999, ISBN 80-214-1151-1, pp. 210.
TIMOŠENKO, Š, P.: Pružnost a pevnost I, Technicko – vědecké vydavatelství, Praha, 1951.
TIMOŠENKO, Š, P.: Pružnost a pevnost II, Technicko – vědecké vydavatelství, Praha, 1951.
TREBUŇA, F., ŠIMČÁK, F., JURICA, V.: Pružnosť a pevnosť I, VIENALA Košice, 2000, Slovensko, ISBN 80-7099-477-0.
TREBUŇA, F., ŠIMČÁK, F.: Odolnosť prvkov mechanických sústav, Edícia odbornej a vedckej literatúry, Technická univerzita v Košiciach, Košice, 2004, Slovensko, ISBN 80-8073-148-9.
TREBUŇA, F., ŠIMČÁK, F., JURICA, V.: Pružnosť a pevnosť II, VIENALA Košice, 2000, Slovensko, ISBN 80-7099-478-9. |
Planned learning activities and teaching methods |
Lectures, Individual consultations, Tutorials |
Assesment methods and criteria |
Tasks are not Defined |