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ECTS Course Overview


* Exchange students do not have to consider this information when selecting suitable courses for an exchange stay.

Course Unit Code542-0297/12
Number of ECTS Credits Allocated5 ECTS credits
Type of Course Unit *Optional
Level of Course Unit *First Cycle
Year of Study *
Semester when the Course Unit is deliveredWinter Semester
Mode of DeliveryFace-to-face
Language of InstructionEnglish
Prerequisites and Co-Requisites Course succeeds to compulsory courses of previous semester
Name of Lecturer(s)Personal IDName
HUD30prof. Ing. Vlastimil Hudeček, CSc.
HUM72Ing. Martin Hummel, Ph.D.
ZUB021doc. Ing. Václav Zubíček, Ph.D.
SEI08Ing. Miroslav Seidl, Ph.D.
The goal of the subject is to make students acquainted with the base of deep
coal mining, mining of minerals and construction raw materials in the Czech
Republic and the world as regards the surface mining.
Attention is paid to the methods of the mining technology, crushing and
drilling of rocks, transport technology, rock filling, reclamation, landscape
environment and accompanying processes.
Learning Outcomes of the Course Unit
Aim subject is mastered impositions plus primary objective problems surface and deep mine deposit.
Course Contents
The course acquaints students with the basics of mining activity in the quarrying
coal, ore, sullen, and construction of mineral resources in the CR and the world
way underground and surface exploitation. In summary of the substance, students
familiar with the various mining operations accompanying activities, ie
disintegration, transport, establishment of busy areas and affacement
after mining terrain remediation and reclamation.

Outline of subject:

1. History of Mining and Legislation in Mining
2. Deposits classification, mining geology overview
3. Mining survey and chartering of basic mining works
4. Underground mining openings and shatter of mining ways
5. Blasting work on mines, systematics of mining methods at coal mines
6. Longwall mining, types of backfills and its use
7. Transport at mines
8. Deep extraction of ore and non-ore deposits
9. Conservation and disposal
10. Advantages of surface mining, basic terms
11. Opening works on quarries, shovel excavators
12.Extracting by wheel and bucket excavators, hoppers
13.Extracting in quarries, extraction of non-coniferous rocks
Recommended or Required Reading
Required Reading:
Žůrek,P.:Basic of Mining. Skripta VŠB-TUO, pro program ERASMUS, Ostrava 2005,ISBN 80-248-0800-5
DARLING, Peter. SME mining engineering handbook. 3rd ed. Englewood, Colo.: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, c2011, 2 v. (xxiv, 1840, I-46 p.). ISBN 0873352645.
GRYGÁREK, Jiří, Václav KRYL, Vladimír PETROŠ a Vlastimil HUDEČEK. Základy hornictví. 2. vyd. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2004, 216 s. ISBN 80-248-0690-8.
KRYL, Václav a Otakar VAVRUŠKA. Základy lomařství. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2001, 74 s. ISBN 80-248-0048-9.
SCHELLONG, Lubomír a Arnošt ŠEVČÍK. Technologie a technická zařízení dobývání v porubech hlubinných dolů. Ostrava: VŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava, 2008, 131 s. ISBN 978-80-248-1687-6.
DARLING, Peter. SME mining engineering handbook. 3rd ed. Englewood, Colo.: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration, c2011, 2 v. (xxiv, 1840, I-46 p.). ISBN 0873352645.
Recommended Reading:
Žůrek,P.:Technology of deposit mining. Skripta VŠB-TUO, pro program ERASMUS, Ostrava 2005,ISBN 80-248-0904-4
William Mott Steuart: Mines and quarries, Bureau of the Census, June 2005, Harvard University, Geologigal sciences library
FRIES,J.: Dobývací komplexy velmi mocných slojí. Ostrava 2005, 195 stran, ISBN 80-248-0970-2.
Zákon č. 44/1988 Sb., o ochraně a využití nerostného bohatství (horní zákon), Praha, 1988.
Vyhláška ČBÚ č. 435/1992 Sb. v platném znění, o důlně měřické dokumentaci při hornické činnosti a některých činnostech prováděných hornickým způsobem, Praha, 1992.
WILLIAM MOTT STEUART: Mines and quarries, Bureau of the Census, June 2005, Harvard University, Geologigal sciences library
Planned learning activities and teaching methods
Lectures, Individual consultations, Tutorials
Assesment methods and criteria
Tasks are not Defined