VSB-TUO believes in providing equal opportunities for all students. For students with special needs we are trying to meet their requirements, not only by providing wheelchair access, but also by offering specialized ways of teaching.
VSB-TUO believes in providing equal opportunities for all students. For students with special needs we are trying to meet their requirements, not only by providing wheelchair access, but also by offering specialized ways of teaching.
VSB - Technical University of Ostrava aims to fully include students with special needs in education at the university. This means not only the removal of barriers within the premises of the University, but also the adaptation of study methods for their special needs. The new buildings are designed to be completely barrier-free, the older ones are being gradually modified, in accordance to the financial possibilities. For the more specific needs of applicants or students (eye-sight, hearing, and physically challenged) individual Faculties and other workplaces at the University deal with issues on the basis of agreements between the individual students to their mutual satisfaction, and leads to their inclusion in the study, and thus supports their maximum self-reliance in the performance of all necessary tasks. To ensure the above mentioned services at the University there is the Sunflower Centre with the following workplaces listed below.