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Study branch Economic Development

About study programme

The aim of the bachelor study is to prepare specialists able to solve practical economic problems independently. Tutors help students understand how the economy works at different levels as well as appropriately select and apply economic policy instruments to achieve the intended changes. As part of their studies in the Applied Economics programme, students can further expand their knowledge through internships at foreign universities or gain work experience through internships at home and abroad.

Courses taught
• Localisation and regional development
• International Trade
• Labour Market and Human Resources
• Project management
• Economics and Economic Policy
Faculty Faculty of Economics
Study programme Applied Economics
Type of study Bachelor
Language of instruction English
Code of the branch S01
Title of the branch Economic Development
Regular period of the study 3 years
Cost 50,000 CZK per semester
Coordinating department Department of Economics
Coordinator prof. Ing. Jaromír Gottvald, CSc.
Key words Economic growth and development
A modern, project-oriented way of teaching
Economic policy
Economics, applied economics
National economy, practical economic policy
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